Scientists and Engineers Working for Better Life

To bring together Korean scientists and engineers working in Europe and in Korea and the European scientists and engineers interested in collaborating with Korean nationals to develop friendship and to exchange useful knowledge and bright ideas for the promotion of science and technology in the service of the human being and the societ.



Faculté de Médecine, Strasbourg, France


22 July -24 July, 2015

Main organizer

Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France

Prof. Gwang-Hi Jeung


Mr Boo-Sup Lee


Dr Joon-Weon Seok


Dr Migeun Park


Dr Man-Wook Han


Mr Kyung Yeol Chun


Dr Keunjae kim


Dr Young-Han Choe


Dr Chirlmin Joo


Dr Bong Yoo

Guiding organizational principles of this conference


As many association members residing in Europe and scientists residing in Korea will be encouraged to attend the conference. Subsequently, the participation fee should be determined to the minimum and the transportation fee should be subsidized afterward as generously as possible by the organizer.


The cost of organization should be kept as low as possible and the organizer should not expect a profit for this conference and if there’s one, it should be used in fair purposes.


All attendants whether as part of organizing (administrative or scientific) body or as simple audience should share the financial burden as even and fair as possible.


All association members involved in the organization should contribute as volunteers and no salary will be paid. For the student members and other members having no regular jobs, honoraria can be paid exceptionally, and for that the level will be determined based on the French minimum wage (SMIG: currently 7.50 Euros net per hour).


According to the scientific character of this meeting, the protocol, in particular for the Korean or European officials, will be kept to the simplest one following the tradition of the scientific meetings.


Equal opportunity should be given to any potential participants to propose scientific program (organisation of session, communication) and the selection must be based on peer review system. Scientists attending the scientific programs (group heads, session organisers and chairs, etc.) should be selected among accomplished experts.

Tentative social programs

  • Reception in the evening of 22 July
  • Banquet in the evening of 24 July
  • City & nearby sightseeing
  • Family program: Sightseeing tour, Science school for children

Preliminary schedule for organization

  1. First Science Advisory Board and Science Program Committee meeting: 31 January
  2. European delegation to Korea for publicity and promotion: 23-27 February
  3. Deadline for reception of specialty session proposals: 1 March
  4. Selection/modification of specialty sessions: 15 March
  5. Announcement of detailed program & registration information: 31 March
  6. Reception of contributed papers (oral & poster): 31 May
  7. Definite scientific program & sending to printer: 28 June
  8. Early registration (30 April), late registration (31 May), post deadline registration (28 June).
  9. Hotel reservations: special rates guaranteed for reservations until 30 April

EKC Organization (EKCO): Functions of the scientific organs

Science Advisory Board

To advice the EKCO president on all matters concerning the scientific aspects of the meeting. Board meetings are presided by the EKCO president. Its members can attend the Science Program Committee upon invitation of the EKCO president.

Science Program Committee

To announce and promote to all association members the session proposal submission, to collect the session proposals, examine and select the proposals. The committee is headed by a Program Director and reports to the EKCO president.

Science Sessions & Organizers

Session organizer’s role is to propose one or more session(s) in the science specialties, to collect the abstracts of the talks or posters, to contact the invited and contributing speakers and poster presenters, assume all necessary tasks related to the science session, and reports to the corresponding group head.

Scientific Groups & Heads

Science sessions are classified into four scientific groups 1-4 (vide supra). Each group is headed by a Scientific Group Head who facilitates and supervises the activity of the corresponding sessions, and reports to the Program Director.

Organizing Body Structure


Who’s Who in EKC-2015 Organization

Honorary Chair: Prof. Mannque Rho

ChairProf. Gwang-Hi Jeung

Co-Chairs: Mr Boo-Sup Lee (President of KOFST), Dr Joon-Weon Seok (President of VEKNI), Dr Migeun Park (President of KSEAUK), Dr Man-Wook Han (President of KOSEAA), Mr Kyung Yeol Chun (President of KOSES), Dr Keunjae kim (President of KSSEA), Dr Young-Han Choe (President of KSEAS), Dr Chirlmin Joo (President of KOSEANL), Dr Bong Yoo (President of KOSEABE)

Auditor: Prof. Seok-Jin Hong

Managing Director: Mr Jong-Wook Lee

Science Advisory Board: Prof. Mannque Rho (Paris), Prof. Tae-Kyu Ha (Zurich), Dr Taeja Kim (Stockholm), Prof. Young-Hyang Park (Paris), Prof. Seung Jo Kim (Seoul), Dr Bong Yoo (Mol), Prof. Jong Min Kim (Oxford), Dr Kuiwon Choi (Saarbrücken), Prof. Hee-Yoon Lee (Daejeon), Dr Doyoung Seung (Daejeon), Dr Soo-Hyun Kim (London)

Program Director: Prof. Chung-Hae Park

Local Organizer: Dr Kyung Sook Kim

Treasurer: Dr Yujin Choi

Web Manager: Prof. Jong-Hyouk Lee

Web Program Communicator: Dr Young-Saeng Park

Web Design & Art Director: Ms EunJee Kim

Communication Director: Dr Byung Yoon Kim

Head of Group 1: Prof. Young-Hyang Park

Head of Group 2: Dr Bong Yoo

Head of Group 3: Dr Soo-Hyun Kim 

Head of Group 4: Prof. Seock-Jin Hong

English vs. Korean Denominations

Auditor — 감사

Communications & Website — 홍보, 전자게시판

Executive Committee — 운영위원회

Finance & Accounting — 재무, 회계

(Honorary) President — (명예)조직위원장

Local Organizing Committee (Member) — 현지조직위원(회)

Managing Director — 운영위원장

Organizing Committee (Member) — 조직위원(회)

Program Director — 계획위원장

Science Advisory Member (Board) — 과학자문위원(회)

Scientific Group (Head) — 과학대분과(장)

Science Program Committee (Member) — 과학일정계획위원(장)

Scientific Session (Organizer) — 과학전문분과회(장)

Organizing Associations (year of foundation)

KOFST : 한국과학기술단체총연합회(1966)

VeKNI : 재독한인과학기술자협회(1973)

KSEAUK : 재영한인과학기술자협회(1974)

ASCoF : 프랑스한인과학기술협회(1976)

KOSEAA : 재오스트리아한인과학기술자협회(1998)

KOSES : 재핀란드한인과학기술자협회(2010)

KSSEA : 스칸디나비아한인과학기술자협회(2011)

KSEAS : 재스위스한인과학기술자협회(2012)

KOSEANL : 재화란한인과학기술자협회(2012)

KOSEABE : 벨기에한인과학기술자협회(2014)