Greeting from Mr Boo-Sup Lee (President of KOFST)

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Speakers, Participants and Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great privilege to welcome you all to the EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC-2015) in Strasbourg, France.

I would like to take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt appreciation to Prof. Gwang-Hi Jeung, Chair of the organizing committee of EKC-2015 and President of Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France (ASCoF) for organizing this meaningful event.

On behalf of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), and as co-chair of the EKC-2015 organizing committee, I express my deepest gratitude to all scientists and engineers who took long journey from Korea and EU countries to attend this conference.

Honorable Korean scientists and engineers!

I understand that today’s conference is a meaningful gathering with host organization of ASCoF and scientists and engineers from 9 countries in Europe.
Since the first meeting of the EKC in Heidelberg, Germany in 2008, this is the 8th meeting, which becomes the largest Korean science and technology conference in Europe.

The slogan of this conference, ‘Scientists and Engineers Working for Better Life’, has meaning of building a human oriented better tomorrow through scientific and technological advancement by scientists and engineers.

I expect that various knowledge and advancements of science and technology are exchanged among participants and new growth engines are identified for better tomorrow in this conference.

Moreover, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), we will hold World Congress of Scientists and Engineers in July next year in Seoul to reflect the science and technology development in Korea in the past half century and to present a vision for the next half century. I hereby ask all scientists and engineers who have attended this conference to actively participate in the World Congress next year in Seoul. I hope the EKC becomes a close network among scientists and engineers in Europe and contributes to the progress of Korean scientific and technological development and the national reputation of Korean scientists and engineers around the world.

I wish everyone good health and much happiness.
Thank you.

July 22, 2015
Boo-Sup Lee
The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies